Don't Be Cool. BE YOURSELF!

Hello Everyone,
I trust you are having a great day and just in case yours has gone as planned, don’t be sad; be happy. It’s all part of the grand plan. It will turn around for good. My colleagues and I had a brainstorming session at the office yesterday where we had to come up with CSR ideas for a prospect. In the course of the session, someone said something that may have appeared not to fly but when thought about critically made a whole lot of sense. I just had to develop it. I know it will help a whole lot of people. Ok by now you are on the edge and really wanting to know what it is that was said. Ok., Hey… ‘Don’t be cool, be yourself’.
Yep, That’s it - Don’t be cool. Be yourself.
Have you ever been in a place where you find yourself struggling to fit in? Have you for any reason being tempted do something (dress, eat, walk, talk or behave) in a particular way, so that other will think you are ‘cool’? Most times our desire for acceptance drives us to a point where we deny our true selves.
I have met people who told me they smoked ‘cos they felt smoking was cool without even thinking about the health implications of smoking. Someone even said ‘Oh all my friends smoke and I don’t want to be left out.’ Guess what? I think that’s a cheap way of saying ‘hey I have no identity…I have no value; throw anything at me and I will take it.’ But do you know that how you see yourself is more important than how others see you.
Do you know that you are beautiful as you are? Do you know that you don’t have to pick up vices just because someone else thinks it’s cool? Do you know that it’s more honorable to be yourself than to have the reputation of being ‘cool’? Truth is, it’s easy to live after the world’s opinion in the sight of the world. It’s also easy to be your true self in times when you are alone, but guess what?
The person with honor is the one who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of his personality.
Be whoever and whatever you are without shame.
Being yourself doesn't mean you are inferior. It only means you have a high sense of personal value. No one has a right to make you feel inferior. You are not inferior.
If you are ‘big’ and people call you fat…don’t get upset and look at yourself as horrible. I’m here to tell you that you’ve got the perfect size, shape and height.
If you’re short or have a small figure and girls wouldn’t date youu cos you’re short, too bad for them, they just missed out on a dynamite. Anyone bigger than you is too big. Anyone slimmer than you is too slim. Anyone taller than you is too tall. Anyone shorter than you is too short. You know why? ‘Cos you’ve got the perfect size, height and shape. You’re beautiful as you are.'re smiling now, aren't you 8).
Mission Accomplished!
Don’t be ‘cool’. Be yourself.
Strength and Honor