A Life oF Giving

This topic is one of the topics I have been inspired by *Deolu Akinyemi to share my thoughts on. I hope you learn a thing or two from it.
''All HE had was 'one son'. He gave him up and today, HE has a large family.''
Several people have come up with several ways of explaining the act of giving. Here's what I think.
I believe that in order to unearth the treasures God has bequeathed to us, we must adopt his own principle for 'having'. In giving, lies the uncelebrated path of abundance.
I believe that the act of 'Giving' is a magnetic field that attracts abundance and repels lack. However, it is important to note that our giving must be constructive, sensible and must satisfy an objective (e.g. meeting a need). I’ll give just one example and allow you reach your conclusion. Jesus (The Christ) exemplified the lifestyle of giving. He gave sight to the blind; He gave hearing to the deaf and to the dumb, He gave speech. In addition, He gave food to the hungry (remember he fed over 5000 men? Women and children not counted.) and life to the dead (remember Lazarus?). He also gave peace to the troubled (remember the man possessed by a legion?). Jesus gave and gave and gave. He was a perpetual giver. He gave all to all. At a point he had to give Himself. He gave so much of Himself; He had to give Himself.
With that single act of giving Himself, he has attracted hundreds of millions of followers, fans, believers. I am one of them.
Look at it this way; because one man gave his life, hundreds of millions of us, have ours.
My conclusion? Simple...'A Life of giving is a life of meaning'. What's your conclusion?
Thanks for reading through.
Strength and Honour,
*Deolu Akinyemi - www.deoluakinyemi.com
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