Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dont Give Up

I wrote this short piece three years ago. Someone might just need to read it now.

There are days when you face extremely tough situations. Days when your strength is weak and your visibility is deem. Days you feel life must be an error. You seek to weep but the tears holdback. Days you just want to give up but you know you afford to.

Hmmm! Dark days.

Yet in the darkness of those days, lies an element of light.

Life is a journey. You’re only driving through the tunnel. There’s light at the end.

Though the jewel you seek lies in the dark and deep; the darkest of all deeps; and life’s beautiful playground is turned into Pearle Harbor, you just must STAND FIRM.

YOU MUST NOT GIVE UP, NEITHER SHOULD WE GIVE IN; so that your Faith in who you are may find expression.

You were made to excel; an express image of excellence - that's You; built to win; raised to lead.

If all else fails, your Faith must not fail. It’s what you need to pull through.

Whatever the situation, it’s only a period…It Will Pass!

Your challenge never leaves you where it met you. It will either move you forward or move you backward. It’s up to you to decide which direction it takes you.

Victory belongs to those who believe in it….those who believe hard enough.


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