One Year, One Mind!

It the beginning of a New Year and I’m glad I’m here. Something within me tells me that the year comes with a lot of goodies. It’s been called a year of great opportunities and great achievements by some wise people but I’d simply say it’s a year of undeniable Greatness. Greatness that comes with responsibility and that isn’t struggled for. I’m talking about Greatness that comes with grace and favor. Imagine this, you put in 10 measures and you get 1,000,000 measures. Strange? Not to some of us. That is what's happening this year.
So, what’s there to be done? I can’t say there is a lot to be done because some of us started a mind cleansing process last year and it has positioned us greatly for 2007. We sought knowledge and we got wisdom and understanding. We let go of unproductive processes and embraced THE WAY.
Key success factors? Well, it’s easy to come up with a long list of do’s and don’ts but sincerely, I don’t think people need that much. What I think is most necessary is to function with a singleness of mind and purpose. By this mean Focus! If you’ve been set on the right path, just stay focused.
I can hear the resounding voice of my childhood tennis coach saying “Eyes on the ball.” I’ll say the same thing to you too. “Eyes on the ball”.
Focus on your goal(s). Whatever it is you are occupied with just stay focused and be dedicated to it. If you are dedicated and committed to your dream, there’s nothing that can stand in you way successfully.
Don’t be fooled. There will be distractions of various shapes and ‘sizes’. Don’t be moved. It doesn’t matter what anyone is saying about you. If they aren’t adding to your life, they don’t deserve your attention.
Have a great year.
Strength and Honor
Happy new year,thanks for your continous words of advice I pray God in His infinite mercy will continue to use you to change lives and keep you save and sound this year.AMEN.TOYIN.
Happy new year,thanks for your continous words of advice I pray God in His infinite mercy will continue to use you to change lives and keep you save and sound this year.AMEN.TOYIN.
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