Meditation - Speaking Your Thoughts

Again, I was inspired to share my thoughts on this topic after reading Deolu Akinyemi’s thoughts.
For so long the prevailing thought was that all you do when you meditate is simply slide into a state of silence. Well, I’ve found out that this is not totally true. It is true only to the point where you process thoughts but you do not release them as words.
I have discovered that meditation is never complete without muttering or speaking softly that which you truly believe, are motivated by or hope for. When you mediate, you release words; words that come from the depth of your heart; words that reflect your thought process; words capable of changing any situation; words of Power – the dynamic ability to cause change.
Now, if it is true that we speak from the abundance of our heart and that our words are a reflection of our thoughts, then, the law of attraction must be very true. The law of attraction states that we attract whatever we consistently think about and repel what we give less thought to.
Put differently, YOUR THOUGHTS + YOUR WORDS = YOUR REALITY. Your Life takes the shape of your thoughts and words. You cannot separate a man from his words. Neither can you separate a man’s words from his thoughts. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
God demonstrated mediation at creation. The bible records that the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the earth (God processed HIS thought) and at the point of fullness, HE released HIS thought (HE spoke). God spoke and that which was spoken became reality.
Meditation works. It sure does.
Imagine investing 15 minutes of your day meditating. I discovered the power of meditation in early 2003 and it practically fired me to the top. I moved from minimum to maximum. from scoring 17% to 71% (I will write about this some other time). I practically changed the course of my life through meditation. Meditation works. It does.
Remember ‘…ye shall have what ye say.’ Therefore, whatsoever is true*; whatsoever things are pure; whatsoever is of good report; whatsoever is honorable; whatsoever gladdens the heart; whatsoever makes you full of joy, meditate on it.
Visit Deolu's site there is a lot to learn from him.
Thanks for reading through.
Strength & Honour
*There is a difference between truth and fact.
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